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Writer's pictureElizabeth Anderson

Musings On... the New Moon in Virgo

Updated: Sep 14

Monday, September 2, 2024. 3:56pm Hawaii Time

In the Background: 

Mercury stationed direct August 28th

Uranus stations Rx Sept 1

Pluto moves back into Capricorn Sept 1

It helps me to remember that the cosmos illustrate a continual co-creative dance between us and the Divine. (or whatever you prefer to call the Creative Life Force that pulses through the Universe with intelligence and Love)

The dance is composed of continual cycles, ebbs and flows of beginnings and endings, steps forward and steps back. 

Mercury is Direct!  (Wooohoo! That was a long one eh?)  Time to move forward!

New Moon time!  Time for New Beginnings!

And… Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes, and Uranus just stationed retrograde as well.  What’s all that about? And how does it all tie in?  

Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the New Moon. 

Virgo: the purification of self through honest self-assessment derived from a desire for self-improvement. Accepting the gift of seeing “flaws” in order to fix them, and a commitment to doing the work it takes to make things better. Growth through the persistent development of skills that can be practically useful to others. Service for the Higher good. The imbalance of these qualities looks like cruel self-depreciation, feelings of not measuring up, over giving, and at its extreme, martyrdom. 

Archetypes: perfectionist, analyst, servant.

With a new Moon in Virgo, there's new energy wanting to bud forth within the work we do in the world. I don't neceisarly mean our careers or jobs. There's something in our hearts to give... how are we tending to it?

So we have just come through a Mercury retrograde in Leo.  Mercury rules this Lunation, so let's pay attention to this. Hopefully you’re feeling a little more connected to the essence of who you are, and what makes you shine. In Leo we develop our identity through creative means. Being playful, living in the moment, fidnign joy.. these are Leonine mechinisms.   With this in mind we can move forward into the New Moon in Virgo, ready to bring more of ourselves into the work that we do in the world. We remember that it's our unique, individual touch that adds the extra sparkle to the gifts we give.  This is important. Witout the cultivation in individuality, and the expression of (dare I say) the ego, we can work our lives away but its empty. Its time to bring more of ourselves into what we do.

Saturn opposes this New Moon from Pisces.  Pisces is about boundless Love, and infinite creative potential. It provides the vision we need for our lives, the origin for which is the Numinous.  Saturn has a very different vibe. It is the planet of structure, reality checks, and consequences.  The qualities Saturn wants to develop in us  give us the tools we need to make something of our lives, if we're willing to work hard. Saturn in Pisces has a steep road to climb (that’s ok, Saturn likes it steep).  We are bringing form to the formless, boundaries to the boundless, and clarity to the cloudy. In Pisces Saturn wants us to let go of the illusions we’ve held in the past, and use discipline to cultivate a Spiritual practice that can actually be useful. 

So, opposite the New Moon? Through our effort we bring the gifts from the spiritual world (Saturn in Pisces) into physical manifestation through practical skills (Virgo). Saturn ensures that we get an opportunity to see things as they actually are, not as we wish them to be.  This ‘leveling with what is’ will show us what we’re really working with, so that we can move forward more productively with what we’re wanting to make manifest in our lives. "It ain’t easy."

That’s why the Cosmos is offering a helping hand… As Venus conjuncts the South Node in Libra, old relationship karma surfaces.  The spots where things were blurry, messy, loving, and in some way unhealthy, re-present themselves. Stuck patterns of codependency, people pleasing, and over-giving (Libran shadows) are ready to be seen for what they are, and released, to make room for expanded perspectives. 

Uranus and Pluto?  Both are helping us to get unstuck from the muck. Pluto represents transformation, and Uranus brings change.  Both are in Earth signs… an element that can be heavy.  Time to release some heaviness!

Come Full Moon time, we have a verrrrrry interesting line up. The Moon now sits with Satun that opposed it at the New Moon.  In fact, Luna sits right between Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces, and is eclipsed.  We’ve said Saturn represents structure and reality checks.  Neptune is a planetary ambassador for Pisces,  and symbolizes our potential to connect with the infinite. 

Here’s another way to look at it…. 

Because the Moon will be sitting in Earth’s shadow (eclipse), and that shadow is cast between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces…  the only thing between our capacity to synthesize form and spirit is our own shadow. 

(Whoooooaaaaa, what?!?!?)  

More on that to come… 

For now… May we all move forward, bringing a bit more our personal spark into the gifts we offer in service of Love.  May we have clear sight, and determination, as we make manifest the Divine dream.

Love to All! Happy New Moon in Virgo!

Dates to note around this time:


28 - Mercury D @ 21°27’ Leo 11:15am

29 - 3:23 am Venus enters Libra


1 - 5:15 am Uranus Rx 27°15’ Taurus

1 - 2:10 pm Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn

3 - 3:56pm New Moon in Virgo 11°4’

4 - 9:46 am Mars enters Cancer

8 - 8:50 pm Mercury enters Virgo

17 - 4:34 pm Full Moon in Pisces 25°41’

17 - 4:44pm Lunar eclipse 0°8’

22 - 2:44 am Fall Equinox Sun enters Libra

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