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Writer's pictureElizabeth Anderson

Musings On... the New Moon in Libra

Wednesday, October 2, 20204 8:49am Hawaii Time

Libra is symbolized by the scales that weigh and balance equal opposites.  More than any other sign it thrives on juxtapositions, preeens in paradox, and helps us recon with irony. In Libra we learn that two opposites can both be true.  Back to the scales for some free association:  think balance, equality, justice, harmony, relationships…  The archetypes for this sign are The Lover, The Artist, and The Peacemaker.

This is the poetry of the stars.  That we have a solar eclipse with a New Moon lends a largeness to this dark phase akin to the vibrance of  a Full Moon.  It feels big!  Full, perhaps, with the kind of chaos and business that tends to come with full Moon phases.  Yet, despite the excitement, potency of meaning, and distractions that come with this time, the plot lies within. 

And of course… The New Moon lies in Libra, princess of paradox!  Lover of beauty, balance, and harmony.

So Here we go… 

Two weeks ago, with the Full Moon, we had a partial Lunar eclipse with the North Node.  Full Moons are times of fullness, culmination, and fruition.  Conjunct the North Node of the Moon we see what we are heading towards, embracing, and needing more of in our lives.  Eclipses come in pairs, and the time period surrounding them is ripe with endings and new beginnings. When a luminary is eclipsed we are left with the shadow… our blind spots and tired, old patterns are revealed in order to be released to make room for fresh growth.

Two weeks ago we talked about being confronted with whatever personal shadows obscure our wholeness. There was a theme of illusions falling away like blinders falling from our eyes.  Dropping the rose colored glasses enables growth to occur, because we know what we’re dealing with.  

Much of what came up in the shadows was our old mode of operations within the context of relationships. We’re becoming aware of how our patterning needs to change through an adaptation in our perspective.  

Mars, the North Node ruler, has been pointing  the way showing us where assertiveness and courage are needed for our healing. (likely showing up in the realm of home, family, roots, and belonging. )

Now, We have a new Moon conjunct the South Node. 

It’s time for a new beginning that reveals what we’re meant to release.   The theme is around LIbra! Balance, beauty, harmony. How do we find it? (hint, where do you tend to get thrown our off balance? Especially in relationships) 

Mercury conjuncts the New Moon.  Ruling our thoughts, ideas, perceptions, and expressions… Let’s look at what we’ve been sacrificing on the altar of “too nice”, “people Pleasing”, and “keeping the peace”.  Has your true voice been held back for the sake of these? If so, it's time to shift perspective. 

North Node ruler, Mars, squares this Lunation, and perhaps brings a bit of drama or crisis within themes of home and family. For some, it could be more about an inner crisis of healing. It could be a revelation around old self-defence mechanisms no longer needed. Certainly Mars offers to get our blood pumping over something!  Courage is required now.  Clarity, decisiveness, assertiveness are necessary in order to “do this” New Moon time. 

Being in Libra season does not mean we’ll automatically feel balanced and harmonious. For some this may feel like a momentary crisis of identity, as bits of the framework that have constituted our values and identity crumble away.


The moment of the New Moon is a great time to pause and go within, and prepare for action aimed at rebalancing our lives. Bringing more harmony to relationships, and bringing more beauty (LIbra) into our day to day. 

This Luantion is beautiful.  With Mars (NN ruler), Venus (New Moon, and South Node ruler), and Saturn (who’s been holding our toes to the fire) all in a grand water trine.  It's time to get to the water! Time to let our emotions flow. Time to feel the natural equilibrium within as we release old patterns of relating to others that just don’t work any longer, and have courage to heal. 

Sometimes strife paves the road to peace.  Sometimes we have to do something hard in order to reap the rewards.  Have courage! Be assertive! Stand up! Set the boundary! Defend what , and who, you love! And include your own dear heart equally in that list! Take a look at worn out defense mechanisms as well. What are you releasing? What are you introducing into your life? Enjoy the peace of mind and soul that come with healing.

Love you! Happy New Moon in Libra! 


2 - 8:49 am New Moon in Libra 10°4’

2 - 8:44 am Solar eclipse 7’

8 - 9:05 pm Jupiter Rx 21°20’ Gemini

11 - 2:34 pm Pluto D 29°38’ Capricorn

13 - 9:23 am Mercury enters Scorpio

17 - 1:26 am Full Moon in Aries 24°35’

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