Monday, August 19, 2024 8:26am Hawaii Time
When a person has their natal Moon in Aquarius we might say they’re “a rebel at heart”. These folks simply MUST follow the guidance of their heart, and more often than for the rest of us this seems to get them “in trouble”. But it’s the good kind of trouble. Meaning… During Aquarian times, if your personal decisions are pissing someone off, or you're being judged as "weird", or "different", you're probably on track! Now, obstinance without a cause is divisive, and stubborn eccentricity is futile... That’s not what I’m talking about here.
When the heart speaks “Aquarian”, it’s showing us what we need in our lives to feel alive, to feel like we are truly ourselves. If we’ve diverted from that path, life may feel dull and unbearable. We may feel a dangerous numbness… like a person freezing to death… the feeling slowly draining from our lives… not pain, not anything.
I know those words are extreme, and we don’t have to be in order for this to be relevant. This Full Moon is a wake up call to the messages of our hearts, a reminder of what keeps us feeling alive, and signposts on the paths that have diverted us.
This Full Moon is PERSONAL. Hours after retrograde Mercury’s rendezvous with the Sun, our psyches are rich with Solar blessings. Illuminations abound! What, in the dusty corners of our minds has been revealed in the light? In Leo, insights revolve around our process of self-actualization. This is about sharing a more genuine expression of who we are. Think of it this way, when you’re surrounded by people who love you unconditionally, and you’re feeling good… who are you? Who are you when you’re unguarded? Who are you when you’re feeling playful on a sunny day? That is your Leo essence.
This full Moon in Aquarius may shed some light on what needs to change in order for us to live life as that version of ourselves. Being a lunar influence, these changes begin inside… a homecoming to our soul so to speak.
So how is the Cosmos supporting all of this beyond what we’ve already said?
For starters, Mercury is retrograding through Leo, having us take another look at ourselves. “Am I shining genuinely as ME these days?”

Uranus in Taurus is co-rules this Full Moon, and squares it as well. It may throw a wild card in the mix, aimed at helping us become clear in our priorities. Uranus times are times for breakthroughs! Sometimes, though not always, things need to break down first. If that happens, look for the opening that is created.
A few days ago Mars and Jupiter came together in Gemini. Adaptability is a key word here. We’re presented with the opportunity to change patterns of thought by daring to follow the threads of our curiosity. Our perspective wants to expand.
These planets form a T square with Saturn rx in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo. All of these planets being in Mutable signs lend themselves to circumstances shifting, creating movement that can allow things to be released. What is falling away to create space for changes and adjustments?
Saturn rx in Pisces has been both dissolving illusions that we’ve created and clung to, as well as demanding discipline in our spiritual and creative practices. It is asking us to level up in practices that expand our consciousness. Saturn is co-ruler of this Lunation, so take this as more than a hint! Opposite Venus this can feel unsettling, and this might be felt in our relationships. Venus in Virgo wants us to put effort into scrupulously analyzing our personal values. It wants to help us find the serenity that comes from doing the work of personal growth in order to ground these changes into reality. Leveling up persaonlly will support our relationshps as well.

Remember I said this is personal? The Sun is resting in the apex of a yod. It’s like throne. But a king is only a king with subjects. In this case, Neptune Rx and Pluto Rx must be present and working in order for the Sun’s full evolutionary potential to manifest. Neptune in Pisces grants us the ideal vision for our lives when we’re truly aligned with our highest evolutionary path. Pluto in Aquarius has us mining the depths of our unconscious to discover our individual, creative spark. It says, “to thine own self be true, or there’s hell to pay”. We can’t afford to live life according to everyone else’s expectations or rules if it pulls us away from ourselves.
When we honor our deepest truth, and hold the highest vision for our lives, then we shine like the Sun! The path to getting us there is to listen to, and follow our hearts.
On a practical note: I know Leo season is “party time". However, Aquarius and its rulers, Saturn and Uranus, thrive on independence and some solitude. Even if your social calendar is full right now, please consider setting aside some time just for you.
Peace n Love Y’all : )
Here's some dates coming up:
19 - Full Moon in Aquarius 8:26 am 27°15’
22 - 4:55 am Sun enters Virgo
28 - Mercury D @ 21°27’ Leo 11:15am
29 - 3:23 am Venus enters Libra
1 - 5:15 am Uranus Rx 27°15’ Taurus
1 - 2:10 pm Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn
3 - 3:56pm New Moon in Virgo 11°4’
